Annual Stocking For Soldiers

We are now gearing up for our annual Stockings for Soldiers. You can stop by Peacock Funeral Home from now until November 22, 2019 to pick up a stocking or two (or more) to fill and return to be shipped to soldiers overseas for the holidays. Thank you for all your continued support to make this such a great success year after year.

Dear Clay,

On behalf of everyone at Rally Point Chapel in Kabul, Afghanistan, I'd like to express how grateful we are for your generosity and all those who contributed to the Christmas stockings. Last Sunday, after our worship service, we were able to hand out stockings to everyone who attended the service, and I can tell you that we have a very international group of people. We always say it's just a taste of what we'll see in heaven as people from so many nations worship God together. It's a beautiful thing. I was able to personally had out nearly half of the stockings that you all sent. I have to confess, though that I forgot to take pictures until almost all the people had left. I apologize for that. So I wanted to at least paint a picture of how the evening went. I was able to take a photo of the chaplains and some of the worship team, who were so grateful to receive the wonderful gifts as well. I've been getting thank yous from appreciative people all over the base this week.


May the Lord bless you. Please give a special "Thank you" to the children of Wiley Elementary School. Their letters of encouragement have touch many, including myself.


I'm a contractor who teaches English to the Afghan military. I've been in Afghanistan for about 15 months, and it has been wonderful. Lives are being changed here, in spite of what you see on the news.


Well, we wish you and everyone there in Lamar, CO a very Merry Christmas! A million thanks.


Dear Peacock funeral home,


I just wanted to take a few minutes and thank everyone for sending the Christmas stockings! There is no better feeling for the Marines and myself than having and knowing that the American people support them and respect what they are doing for the country. As I was passing these out , I made sure the Marines knew that they came from my little home town in SE Colorado and encouraged them to reach back to the ones that left some type of contact information. Again, thank you for the support! A little bit about the Marines that received the stockings, we are currently forward deployed to the middle east supporting combat operations for Operation Inherent Resolve. The Marines have an important job and are working nonstop protecting vital assets that are being used against ISIS. Most of us are based out of California but we do have some from other parts of the U.S. Overall we have a great group of Marines out here and I couldn't be more proud to serve with them. If you have any questions please feel free to reach me at this email address. I hope you all have a great Christmas!


SSgt Yoxsimer



I'm My name is Maria Flores and in an unit stationed in Kuwait, and yesterday our unit receive two boxes full of stockings, and I took this two pictures attached. I just want to say thank you so much for the support. It really make this holidays better and it makes us happy to know that there is people like you all who don't forget about us. It means a lot, we really appreciate it.


Thank you and may God bless you.


 Very Respectfully,

Maria, Flores


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